Andy Smart, the Toast of Tehran, 1998

Created by Adam one year ago

In 1998 I and October Films had the great good fortune and pleasure of making a film with Andy and Nick Hancock about their delightfully chaotic adventure to support the Iranian football team during World Cup ’98.    When Iran beat USA 2-1, in the game of the tournament, Andy was filming on the streets of Tehran and got swept up in a spontaneous street party of one million plus ecstatic Iranians, happily defying the gun-toting religious police.   What might have been intimidating, even scary, Andy made utterly joyous. 

If you'd like to see Andy having the time of his life in Tehran please follow this link to see Andy and Nick in action in The Outsiders.

He was a wonderful friend and our time together in Tehran is my happiest filming memory.   To know him is to love him and to love him is to laugh - still - a big, uninhibited, throw your head back, Andy Smart laugh.



